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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thinking of playing WoW again...

Whenever I play, it eats up my life, and I always end up quitting after getting consumed by it swearing to never play again. I'm sure many of you have experienced something similar to this. What do you think I should do?

Picture related (except for the fat part.)


  1. Pay for a month. Bam, super low commitment, and WoW sucks these days anyway.

  2. WoW can get addicting at times x.x

  3. I never really got big into wow. But then, Im not big for any MMORPG's.

  4. The whole thing is you need the will power to know when to stop playing and when to play

  5. Do iiiit. I'd refer the shit outta you, free mount for meee

  6. Don't do it!!!
    Think of the children!

  7. i just started playing again myself, i used to play it nonstop back in the day - but its real casual rite now, they've nerfed everything so hard - hoping cataclysm will change things up a bit

  8. I wouldn't do it man, especially if your going to school. If it's consumed you before it'll do it again. I was consumed as well at one point, probably not to the same extent as the hardcore players but still.

  9. I quit for good after I realized how valuable time was, and how much time I was squandering on something so trivial...

  10. its not like you can get productive stuff done.

  11. I was consumed for the first month of WoTLK, then I realized how shitty it was and quit/restarted about four different times over the expansion. I'm getting better at regulating it, but that isn't hard when the game is trash in comparison to what it used to be.

  12. It's still hanging in the closet. Or more like lurking!
    Just play man, when you play enough, you'll get fed up and you shall find a nice balance like I did. And I'm not even fat >:D

  13. I'd say quit. I always get addicted to MMO's and paying monthly is even worse

  14. lol... love the timeline

    supp and followin'

  15. don't do it. u will just end up unfulfilled in a month or two. the pic made me lol hard.

  16. never got into it. go outside. find a hobby

  17. I'm at that point in my life that making a huge investment on a rpg just doesn't have the same appeal anymore.

    God, getting old sucks.

  18. I quit, and I'm pretty glad i did haha, i didn't realize how much time it really took up.

  19. I couldn't imagine stopping when I was still playing but, being WoW free for a few month, I can't imagine wasting more time on that game.

  20. I just can't justify spending money on a game beyond what it costs to buy it.

  21. its the damn truth /b/ro. Its like heroin with addiction and pot times 100 with the weight.
